JDS Communications (Jan 2025)

Transforming the tradition of discrete milk yield correction factors: A continuous 1-step DeLorenzo-Wiggans method

  • Xiao-Lin Wu,
  • Malia J. Caputo,
  • George R. Wiggans,
  • H. Duane Norman,
  • Asha M. Miles,
  • Curtis P. Van Tassell,
  • Ransom L. Baldwin, VI,
  • Michael M. Schutz,
  • Javier Burchard,
  • João Dürr

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 1
pp. 84 – 89


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Over the past decades, various methods have been proposed to estimate daily milk yields from partial yields. Many of these methods divide milking interval time into varied classes, assuming that the yield correction factors are constant within classes but vary between classes. The DeLorenzo and Wiggans (D-W) method has been widely used in the United States, typically following a 2-step process. It calculates discrete yield factors for segmented milking interval classes and then refines them through a follow-up smoothing step. Such a 2-step approach is computationally inefficient, and discrete yield correction factors introduce biases. This study explored strategies to integrate continuous yield factors into established methods, exemplified by the D-W method. The renovated method, also called the polynomial-interaction regression model, postulates multiplicative yield correction factors as a linear or quadratic function of milking interval time, operating on interactions with partial yields. It uses all available data in a single step, exhibiting greater computability efficiency and higher estimation accuracy. A reparameterization leads to a linear model, making estimating the model parameters convenient. We evaluated the performance of the revised methods using a previous dataset of milking records from Holstein cows compared with some existing methods. The results showed that the refurbished model gave more accurate estimates of daily milk yields.