AIP Advances (May 2016)

Observation of spin textures in La1−xSrxMnO3 (x = 0.175)

  • A. Kotani,
  • H. Nakajima,
  • Y. Ishii,
  • K. Harada,
  • S. Mori

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 5
pp. 056403 – 056403-6


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We have investigated topological spin textures in the ferromagnetic metallic phase of La0.825Sr0.175MnO3 with the centrosymmetric crystal structure by small-angle electron diffraction (SmAED) and low-temperature Lorentz transmission electron microscopy (TEM) experiments. In-situ Lorentz TEM and SmAED experiments revealed that type-I and type-II magnetic bubbles evolved from magnetic stripe domains with the Bloch-type domain wall by applying vertical magnetic field. Type-I magnetic bubbles with left-handed and right-handed spin helicity were randomly distributed and simultaneously type-II magnetic bubbles are formed locally. The important point about type-I and type-II magnetic bubbles is that their emergence depends strongly on whether perpendicular magnetic field is applied parallel to the magnetic easy axis along the [001] direction. Our experimental results suggested that the stabilization of magnetic bubbles should originate from the long-range dipole-dipole interactions, as opposed to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in helical magnets.