Cadernos de Tradução (Apr 2007)
Um balanço dos estudos da tradução no Brasil.
This article is a review of translation studies in Brazil since 1996, when the first issue of Cadernos de Tradução was published. Nevertheless, in order to better characterize the field in question, its historical context has been outlined, beginning in 1952 with the publication of Paulo Rónai’s pioneering work Escola de tradutores. This contextualization presents the literature concerned exclusively with translation as well as its institutionalization in the country in different spheres, such as teaching and professional and academic associations. From 1996 on, the article continues to present the discipline’s main forums for the interchange and production of knowl-edge and begins to focus on the work developed so as to identify its main areas and subareas of interest, research subjects and theoretical and methodological perspectives. What one finds is a marked expansion of Brazilian translation studies and their increasing diversity.