Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine (Jan 2014)
[Neonatological emergencies in delivery room] [Article in Italian] • Il neonatologo ed alcune emergenze in sala parto
Introduction: In the delivery room the neonatologist may deal with emergencies, not always predictable by pre-natal diagnosis. Among these dangerous situations, we include: i) extremely preterm birth of a newborn very/extremely low birth weight and ii) shoulder dystocia in term newborns. We will discuss in details these two clinical scenarios. Methods: We reviewed the main recent papers about resuscitation of very/extremely low birth weight preterm newborns and about dystocia of shoulder reported in PubMed database. After that, we compared reported results with practice in our Unit and discussed the topics considering strategies to optimize the results and minimizing possible errors. Discussion and conclusions: In our opinion the optimization of clinical practice in Neonatology should be based on: i) national or international recommendations drawn up by commissions or study groups of experts, on the basis of scientific evidence, ii) local department protocols, in order to standardize staff interventions within the same unit; iii) ongoing training of doctors, nurses and midwives, through simulation sessions and CRM (Crisis Resources Management). As regards shoulder dystocia, The Tuscan Group for Clinical Risk Management drawn a poster to be showed in every delivery room, in order to allow the staff to rapidly remember the correct clinical interventions. On the other hand, as regards ventilatory preterm newborns strategies, the Centro di Formazione e Simulazione NINA is working on a project of a mechatronich simulator for staff training (MERESSINA). Articoli Selezionati del “3° Convegno Pediatrico del Medio Campidano” · Guspini · 25 Maggio 2013 Guest Editor: Roberto Antonucci