Layers. Archeologia Territorio Contesti (May 2022)
A plan on the roof tile? Reflections on the allegedly ancient city map of Aguntum (Austria)
During excavations in Aguntum (Austria; Tyrol) in 1976, a map carved on a roof tile was discovered, which was interpreted by the excavator as an ancient city map or architectural sketch of Aguntum dated to the 3rd century AD. Soon afterwards, the authenticity of the plan was strongly doubted by several archaeologists. As the plan is still considered a Roman original today by some scholars, this essay aims to draw attention once again to the discussion on the authenticity. While the argumentation so far has concentrated primarily on the circumstances of the discovery and recovery of the roof tile and on technical questions concerning the scratchings, further arguments concerning the cultural history, ancient mentality as well as conventions of space representation are presented. As research on Roman plans and the ancient perception of space has improved since the 1970s, further indications for addressing the plan of Aguntum as a forgery are found. However, a definite clarification of the authenticity question cannot be provided.