Endoscopic Diagnosis of Intramural Hematoma in The Colon sigmoideum In a Child With High Titer Inhibitory Hemophilia A
Yankov Ivan V.,
Spasova Maria I.,
Andonov Vladimir N.,
Cholakova Efimia N.,
Yonkov Alexander S.
Yankov Ivan V.
Department of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics
Spasova Maria I.
Department of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics
Andonov Vladimir N.
Division of Gastroenterology, Second Department of Internal Medicine
Cholakova Efimia N.
Division of Gastroenterology, Second Department of Internal Medicine
Yonkov Alexander S.
Division of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Basic Sciences of Surgical Diseases, St George University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Medical University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Lower gastrointestinal bleeding is a rare condition in childhood pathology. The incidence of this disorder in the general population of Bulgarian children is unknown.