Мир новой экономики (Apr 2018)
Caring for the Earth’s Environment - the Strategy of the Future of Russia and the World
The article analyzes the main threats from the development of the environmental crisis; shows imperfections and deviations of the Green party movement, activities of relevant international organizations and agreements. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of bionics technologies - two fundamental technological structures of NBIC (nano-, bio-, info- and cogno) and NBICS (nano-, bio-, info-, cogno-, and socio) technologies are opposed to each other. The task is to develop the concept of a full-fledged international environmental movement to protect the Biosphere and the Noosphere of the Earth as a single living organism. The material consists of two publications. The first represents geoeconomic aspects (including high technologies) of the possible environmental movement to transform the relations of people’s world to the Nature (meaning the rethinking of global trends in this area and to give a new vector of the renewed sense of movement). In the second - the authors consider the planet as a living organism through the prism of the Biosphere and Noosphere approaches and analyze the risks of the technosphere economy which is affecting our lives.