Farmacja Polska (Dec 2019)
The role of protective agents in pharmacotherapy- assessment of patients awareness
SUBJECT OF THE STUDY: The use of medication is associated with the risk of side effects. In the view of the fact that the consumption of Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and antibiotics is growing constantly, it is necessary to apply appropriate protection strategies to prevent side-effects of those drugs. AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of the study is to asses patients' knowledge about protective agents: drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid from the group of proton pump inhibitors and probiotics in the terms of effectiveness and safety of, respectively, inflammations and the bacterial infections pharmacotherapy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The research was carried out since October 2018 to February 2019 on the random group of people from Poland, using an original, anonymous questionnaire. The data was collected via Internet and direct contact with the respondents participating classes at the University of Third Age of the Medical University of Silesia. The statistical analysis of the collected results was performed with the use of Microsoft Excel 2010. RESULTS: Almost everyone of the respondents (about 95.0%) think that they understand the concept of a protective agents. Many of them only associates them with antibiotic therapy, not being aware of the broader meaning of this concept. 82.0% of respondents believe that they know the concept of a probiotic, but as many as 64.6 % of patients mistakenly think, that probiotics protect the stomach. About 50.0% of people are aware of the need to protect the stomach with chronic Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs therapy. CONCLUCIONS: The obtained results show that patients have basic information about gastro-enteroprotective agents (including drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid from the group of proton pump inhibitors and probiotics) however their knowledge is still insufficient to guarantee the effectiveness of therapy. The further education is necessary, which could be improved by introducing the Pharmaceutical Care.