Asian Nursing Research (Dec 2014)
Impact of Regular Nursing Rounds on Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of regular nursing rounds on patient satisfaction with nursing care. Methods: This was a controlled clinical trial in which 100 hospitalized patients in a medical surgical ward were allocated to control and experimental groups through convenience sampling. The experimental group received regular nursing rounds every 1–2 hours. Routine care was performed for the control group. Patient satisfaction with the quality of nursing care was assessed on the second and fifth days of hospitalization in both groups using Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care Quality Questionnaire. Results: On the second day, patient satisfaction scores of the two groups had no significant difference (p = .499). However, the intervention was associated with statistically significant increased patient satisfaction in the experimental group compared to the control group (p < .001). Conclusion: Implementing regular nursing rounds had a positive impact on patient satisfaction. This method may hence improve patient-nurse interactions and promote the quality of nursing care and patient satisfaction.