Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences (Apr 2015)
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Infection Control Measures among Dental Practitioners in Public Setup of Karachi, Pakistan: Cross-sectional Survey
Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the knowledge, attitude, and practices regardinginfection control measures among dental practitioners of Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ebad Khan Institute of Oral HealthSciences (DIKIOHS) Karachi. The study also examined the correlation between the knowledge, attitude, andpractices scores. Methods: A cross sectional survey was conducted at the DIKIOHS public setup of Karachi, Pakistan. Alldental practitioners of the institute were approached through a non-probability convenience sampling techniqueand requested to fill self administered proforma consisting of twenty one variables regarding infection controlknowledge, attitude and practices. Results: Among the total, one hundred and sixteen dental practitioners ( 96.7%) were vaccinated againstHepatitis B and around (n=112, 93%) regularly wash hands before and after treatment. Ninety eight percent(n=118, 98.3%) of dental practitioners wore and changed gloves after each patient (n=118, 98.3%). Aroundthree quarters (n=89, 74.2%) of the study participants routinely wore face mask. The habit of changing facemasksbetween patients and wearing protective eye- wear among dentist was less than 50%. More than half(n=61, 50.8%) of the study participants change hand pieces between patients.In current study the mean knowledge, attitude and practice scores regarding infection control were found pooramong senior dental professionals as compared to house officers and junior professionals. Moderate level ofcorrelation existed between the knowledge and attitude (r = 0.4; p-value < 0.01); knowledge and practice (r= 0.367; p-value < 0.01) and attitude and practices (r = 0.487; p-value < 0.01). Conclusion: In all, the infection control knowledge, attitudes and practices of junior professionals and houseofficers were better, however, there is also a need to improve the knowledge and practices among dental healthcare professionals to minimize cross infection in dental setup and reduces associated morbidity and mortalityrates for both; dental practitioners themselves and patients.