Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия: Серия Химия. Биология. Экология (Dec 2024)
Influence of time factor on adhesion and electrosurface properties of conductor and dielectric after plasma chemical activation of surface
The paper presents the results of measuring the surface adhesion fi gures of a dielectric (non-foiled glass-cloth-base laminate) and a conductor (foiled glass-cloth-base laminate) obtained by the adhesive tape tear-off method, as well as the surface potential depending on the time of storage of samples in natural conditions after activation of their surface by plasma-chemical etching. The obtained dependences are complex declining functions of time. We have attributed the jump in the adhesion fi gures of the activated surface, compared to the unactivated surface, immediately after its activation to the acquisition of a developed morphology by the surface, and the jump in the potential to the acquisition of surface charge. On the obtained dependences we have selected the initial and fi nal areas, which we have approximated by empirical linear equations. By the intersection of the approximating lines we have determined the conditional times of transition from the initial fast-declining section to the fi nal slow-declining section. It has turned out that these times coincide for time dependences of the adhesion fi gures and potential for both studied samples. A correlation between the parameters of the equations for the adhesion fi gures and surface potential is shown. An attempt is made to explain the observed dependences by the acquisition of electric charge by the surface and adsorption of substance from the environment.