臺灣教育社會學研究 (Jun 2023)
芬蘭民族地景鄉村意象之潛在課程:以小學數學教科書為例 Hidden Curriculum for Finnish National Landscape Rural Imagery: An Example of the Primary School Mathematics Textbook
課程本身即政治文本,表達的是特定的政治意義或意識形態。除了從社 會控制、複製社會的經濟或文化上的支配關係視角來探查外,從基進教學觀點,若因具共同的歷史文化而獲集體淵源之認同,進而促進民族團結,在相關論述與行動上顯然更具能動性。芬蘭是世界上少數選有民族地景的國家,1992年,為紀念建國75周年,選出27個民族地景,這些地景大多是森林、湖泊、鄉村,且不少位於自然保護區。民族地景圖像背後的意識形態是為推動民族主義,即圖像本身帶有一種認同本民族文化的意識形態。觀看芬蘭數學教科書中有關森林、湖泊、鄉村等實景圖不少,若再考量其他多元表徵或解題,如何促進師生民族認同是值得關注之課題。本研究旨在探討芬蘭師生對數學教科書中民族地景要素的理解及其促進民族認同的經驗,以「鄉村意象」作為芬蘭民族地景的案例,透過小學數學教科書WSOY版Laskutaito 6B in English為文本,邀請芬蘭四位師生針對書中「實景圖」和「其他多元表徵」(含成功解題)所蘊含之民族地景鄉村意象要素及其所連結的民族認同經驗現身說法。研究發現,師生透過「微敘事」再現數學教科書中「鄉村」仍屬民族地景核心要素,且教科書中民族地景「鄉村意象」促進師生民族認同的經驗展演於實景圖、其他多元表徵及成功解題之間。本主題在教育領域中是一新嘗試,探究此主題不僅可幫助理解數學文本如何可能影響師生的民族認同、進而重視其作為強化民族認同的重要途徑,亦有機會協助國人一同思考正面朝建構者方向去想像課程文本的調適與創新。 This study explores Finnish teachers’ and students’ understanding of elements of the national landscape in the mathematics textbook and their experiences promoting national identity. Finland is one of the few countries that has selected national landscapes. In 1992, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the country’s founding, Finland selected 27 national landscapes, most of which have elements of the forest, lake, and countryside, many of which are located in nature reserves. This study takes the “rural image” as an example of the Finnish national landscape and interviews Finnish teachers and students with the text of Laskutaito 6B in English, a primary school mathematics textbook WSOY edition. Four teachers and students were invited to express their views on the elements of the national landscape and rural imagery and the related experience of national identity that may be implicit in the “real-world photo” and “other multiple representations” (including successful problem-solving) in the mathematics book. Research on this topic is a relatively new attempt in the education field. Exploring this topic can help understand how texts may affect the national identity of teachers and students and attach importance to teaching materials as an important way to strengthen national identity. This study also suggests local thinking acting as a positive constructivist act that helps adapt curriculum texts and local mathematics to education planning and practice.