Annals of Pediatric Cardiology (Jan 2015)
The pressures of surgicel® in cardiac surgery
Surgicel® is bioabsorbable hemostatic mesh, frequently packed around oozing surgical bed. We report two morbidities due to it. Following transannular patch repair for Fallot′s tetralogy, Surgicel® was packed around distal main pulmonary artery. Echocardiography in the intensive care unit (ICU) showed right ventricular dysfunction due to extrinsic obstruction and complete occlusion of left pulmonary artery (LPA) flows. Another patient with arterial switch operation had postoperative fibrillatory cardiac arrest, needing resuscitation with internal cardiac massage. The arrest was triggered by coronary ischemia due to periaortic compression. Both instances were caused by hygroscopic nature of Surgicel®, which absorbed blood, swelled, and compressed the luminal tissues.