Nuclear Materials and Energy (Oct 2022)
Design of a multi-configurations divertor for the DTT facility
The standard positive triangularity H-mode tokamak operation with Single Null Divertor (SND) configuration and tungsten monoblocks targets can face some difficulties in providing a solution scalable towards the realization of the fusion reactor. To provide a safer solution, the adoption of alternative divertor magnetic configurations (ADCs) has been considered to provide on the targets a stationary heat load of less than 10 MW/m2 presently considered an upper technological limit for a nuclear fusion reactor and to reduce enough plasma temperature to avoid tungsten sputtering and its possible plasma contamination. Additionally, different plasma scenarios have been considered to avoid the huge transient energy released due to the type-I ELMs of the high confinement H-mode operation.The new high field superconducting divertor tokamak test facility (DTT) [1] is presently under construction to specifically study power exhaust solutions in reactor relevant regimes. The first DTT divertor will use the ITER-like technology based on full tungsten monoblocks bonded on CuCrZr cooling tubes. To test and compare a wide set of different power exhaust solutions, the divertor is being designed to be compatible with the standard single null (SND) configuration but also with some ADCs, like the X divertor (XD) and the hybrid Super-X/long leg SN. Additionally, the l-mode negative triangularity (NT) operation is considered important to explore as a solution to avoid ELMs.Two different closed divertors with the same grazing angle (α = 2°) for the reference SND configuration have been considered: a so called “narrow” one with normalized divertor parameters similar to those presently foreseen for DEMO divertor and the “wide” one with a 50 % wider target aperture which allows testing long legs configurations as well as snowflake divertor configurations (SFD). For the “wide” divertor different dome sizes have been also considered.The comparison between different shapes and their optimization have been done with the 2D edge fluid-kinetic code SOLEDGE2D-EIRENE. The code easily manages all magnetic configurations and can resolve the heat load on all components thanks the mesh filling the whole divertor and vessel volume.In a representative sub-set of all the possible magnetic equilibrium configurations that can be realized in DTT, the edge modelling shows a better performance of the “wide” divertor compared to the “narrow” one. In fact, the “wide” divertor allows to have lower plasma temperature at the targets in pure deuterium at low PSOL power and also lower impurity concentrations is required to achieve plasma detachment by impurity seeding at the reference full power DTT scenario. The results seem to indicate that the improvement due to the longer legs possible with the “wide” divertor can overcome its lower apparent closure compared to the “narrow” divertor solution.