Yüzüncü Yil Üniversitesi Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi (Mar 2020)
Family Apiaceae Inventory and Revision in GUL Herbarium (Isparta)
This study is based on the rearrangement of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) family samples which are included in Herbarium GUL, the preparation of database in the website, the diagnosis of the samples which have not been diagnosed, checking the diagnosed ones according to present literature and the properties that do not comply with the definitions in the basic systematic works and determining of the endangered and endemic kinds. With this study, 54 genera and 128 species in Apiaceae family in Herbarium GUL and 135 taxa belong to these genara have been determined. The genera in term of kind abundance in Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) family in Herbarium GUL are Bupleurum (8 taxa), Pimpinella (8 taxa), Eryngium (7 taxa), Scandix (6 taxa), Johrenia, Chaerophyllum, Anthriscus, Prangos, Ferulago, Torilis, Daucus (5 taxa). Endemic taxon number in the herbarium is 20. 4 taxa to LC, 6 to NT, 3 to CD, 5 to VU, 1 to EN and 1 taxon belong to CR categories. 60 taxa are new records for various squares in Türkiye. All of the specimens were of Turkish origin and most of them were collected from Eastern Anatolia and Lakes Region. Most of the talked samples were collected and identified by first author. However, there are also specimens that are suspicious or not completely diagnosed for various reasons.