Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research (Mar 2023)
Assessment of knowledge, awareness, and practices toward the use of 3D printing in dentistry among dental practitioners and dental technicians: A cross-sectional study
Background: The applications and scope of digitization and technology in dentistry are becoming increasingly valuable right from clinical dentistry to research, student training, teaching, and laboratory techniques. Mastering 3D printing and its usage are essential for dental practitioners and dental technicians as it allows them to choose and necessarily know what is offered, as well as how to implement it in everyday practices thereby contributing to the betterment of the dental profession. The study aims to assess dental practitioners' and dental technicians' knowledge, understanding, and practices related to the use of 3D printing in dentistry. Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was done among dental practitioners and technicians in Karnataka, India who were given access to a self-explanatory questionnaire via Google link consisting of questions that evaluated their knowledge, awareness, and practices regarding 3D printing. The Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis. Results: A total of 380 replies were obtained after the questionnaire was circulated. Awareness regarding the use of digital technology in dentistry was known by 98.9% of practitioners and 92.7% of technicians, of which we discovered that 9.28% of practitioners and 17.7% of technicians were unfamiliar with 3D printing, which was statistically significant (p = 0.0400*). 81.6% of practitioners consider 3D printing can be used to fabricate complex design prostheses. Conclusion: The participants' understanding of digital dentistry and 3D printing is acceptable. The majority of dental professionals expressed an interest in adopting 3D printing and believe that there should be a forum for collecting and exchanging skills and knowledge about 3D printing.