Salud Pública de México (Jan 1997)

Importancia del apoyo familiar en el control de la glucemia


Journal volume & issue
Vol. 39, no. 1
pp. 44 – 47


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Objetivo. Determinar la importancia del apoyo familiar en el control de la glucemia en diabéticos no insulino dependientes. Material y métodos. Se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles, considerando como casos a los pacientes con glucemia o = 140 mg/dl. El apoyo familiar se determinó con el cuestionario Environmental Barriers to Adherence Scales, que estima el apoyo otorgado para que el paciente siga las indicaciones terapéuticas. Se incluyeron 32 casos y 50 controles. Resultados. El apoyo familiar que recibe el paciente se asocia significativamente a la presencia de glucemia Objective. To determine the importance of family support in the control of glucemia in non-insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus patients. Material and methods. A case and control study was designed where cases were patients with glycemia or = 140 mg/dl. Family support was determined using the questionnaire Environmental Barriers to Adherence Scales which estimates the support lent by the family to the patient to follow therapeutic indications. The study consisted of 32 cases and 50 controls. Results. Family support received by the patient is significantly associated to the presence of glycemia <140 mg/dl (OR = 3.9; 95% C.I. 1.4-11.1). Other variables did not show significant association. Conclusions. Family support lent to patients influences the control of glycemia.
