Теория и практика судебной экспертизы (Oct 2022)
Forensic Gait Study
The article discusses the problems of forensic identification of a person by gait on video recordings.The author presents a brief review of the current state of domestic and foreign practice of expert identification of a person by gait, he also analyzes the basic provisions and methods of forensic identification of a person by signs of appearance from critical positions.He also reviews a set of gait parameters studied in biomechanics, considers the possibility of identifying these parameters on random video recordings and the capabilities of using the detected parameters as identification features.The basic principles of biometric gait identification have also been studied in the article; the description of the main gait models used in biometrics have been given.Based on the analysis of various identification features, a proposal has been put forward to develop a system of qualitative and quantitative gait signs, which will allow the use of both visual and instrumental methods of analysis for research; the choice of a particular method depends on the quality of the video recordings under study.