Czech Journal of Animal Science (Jan 2009)
Influence of elevated content of cadmium and arsenic in diet containing feeding yeast on organisms of rats
The influence of elevated cadmium content in diet on the content of this element in liver, kidney and testes of 68 male rats was studied in dependence on the chemical form of applied cadmium (as inorganic salt - CdCl2 and organically bound in yeast cells); the influence of elevated arsenic content (as NaAsO2) in diet on its content in the same organs was also investigated. The interactions between arsenic and cadmium in the above-mentioned organs were studied. The addition of cadmium to the diet of rats significantly (P < 0.05) increased cadmium content in several organs. The addition of yeast containing the natural level of Cd increased the content of cadmium in liver and kidney of experimental animals significantly (P < 0.05). A significantly (P < 0.05) increased cadmium accumulation in organs was observed after the addition of Cd as CdCl2, compared with the addition of Cd as organically bound Cd in yeast cells. At the same time, the addition of yeasts containing the natural level of Cd decreased the Cd accumulation applied as CdCl2 in the examined organs. The addition of sodium arsenite to the diet of rats led to a significantly (P < 0.05) increased arsenic content in all the analyzed organs. The addition of yeasts to the diet increased arsenic content in liver and at the same time suppressed its content in kidneys of experimental animals. The interaction between arsenic and cadmium applied simultaneously was evident. The addition of As to the diet decreased the accumulation of Cd in kidney and increased its accumulation in testes. The addition of Cd to the diet increased arsenic content in liver and kidney and decreased its content in testes.