Physical Review Research (Jan 2025)

Formation of Rydberg crystals induced by quantum melting in one dimension

  • Zeki Zeybek,
  • Peter Schmelcher,
  • Rick Mukherjee

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 1
p. L012009


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Quantum fluctuations in frustrated systems can lead to the emergence of complex many-body phases. However, the role of quantum fluctuations in frustration-free lattices is less explored and could provide an interesting avenue for exploring new physics, and perhaps is easier to realize compared to frustrated lattice systems. Using Rydberg atoms with tunable interactions as a platform, we leverage strong van der Waals interactions and obtain a constrained model in one dimension with nonlocal fluctuations given by dipolar interactions alongside local fluctuations. The combined effect of such processes leads to intrinsically quantum-ordered Rydberg crystals through the order-by-disorder mechanism. Finite-size analyses indicate that combined fluctuations drive the transition from disordered to ordered phases, contrary to the expected direction. We provide a theoretical description to understand the physics of order-by-disorder in one-dimensional systems, which are typically seen only in higher dimensions.