Revista de Saúde Pública (Apr 1993)
Aborto entre alunas e funcionárias de uma universidade brasileira Abortion among female students and employees of a brazilian university
No Brasil existem poucas informações sobre o aborto provocado e suas características na população. A dificuldade em se obter dados confiáveis deve-se: à sua ilegalidade, e também ao fato de que a maioria dos estudos é realizada em hospitais. Assim, em 1990, foi realizada pesquisa entre alunas da graduação e funcionárias de uma universidade brasileira. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionário, auto-respondido, para devolução por correio, anonimamente. Os resultados apresentados referem-se à freqüência do aborto provocado nesta população. Encontrou-se que quatro vezes menos alunas do que funcionárias tinham engravidado alguma vez (15% e 65%); 9% das alunas e 14% das funcionárias tiveram aborto provocado. Entre as mulheres que engravidaram alguma vez, as alunas tiveram mais aborto provocado do que as funcionárias (59% e 20%). Quando controladas por grupo etário as diferenças entre as alunas e funcionárias mantiveram-se. Entretanto, entre as alunas, o aborto provocado foi mais freqüente entre as mais jovens.In Brazil, the subject of induced abortion is controversial and considered by some to be a serious public health problem. On the other hand there are little data available as to its frequency and general characteristics. The difficulty encountered in obtaining reliable information is to be explained by the illegality of abortion that inhibits women from talking about their experience, and most studies are carried out in hospitals and thus succeed in identifying only those women who have complications. A study was carried out in 1990, involving all the female graduate students and employees of a Brazilian university. Data was obtained through a questionnaire that was returned by mail, anonymously. This paper presents some of the results relating to the frequency of miscarriage and abortion in this population. Significantly more students than employees were less than 25 years old (85% and 13.7% respectively); fewer students were married or in a common-law union (11 % of students as against 56% of employees) and four times fewer students than employees had never been pregnant (15% and 65%). Nine percent of the students and 14% of the employees had had at least one abortion. When only sometime pregnant women were taken into consideration, over half the students (59%) and 20% of the employees had had an abortion. Differences between the two groups were maintened when considered by age, both for miscarriage and abortion. Students of less than 25 years of age presented the highest percentage of abortion.