Computational Engineering and Physical Modeling (Jul 2024)

Analysis and Design of High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Structures under Torsional Action

  • Bulbul Ahmed,
  • A.B.M. Golam Rabbany Palash

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 3
pp. 45 – 60


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The number of high-rise buildings is increasing rapidly to meet up the demand of people. These high-rise buildings experience lateral forces and structural elements are affected due to this lateral forces. Torsional force is one of the major factors because of the building responses differently for it. Building components is the most susceptible to torsional effect. The vertical reinforced concrete (RC) members experience more shear forces due to torsional irregularities. The significance of torsional force is demonstrated in this paper by numerical analysis. In this study, a real building project was taken for the numerical analysis. The connecting portion, one internal beam and one peripheral beam of the building were taken into consideration for analysis and design. Firstly, the analysis was performed excluding the torsional effects and secondly, torsional effects was considered in the same analysis. After that a comparison has been made and it is shown that torsional force has significant effect in structural design. From this study, the analysis and design output show considerable deviation when the torsional force is not taken into consideration which may hamper the structural stability. It is also observed that the building has vertical irregularity in the connecting portion; the beam and slab both are in twisting mode during earthquake. In resulting, the whole analysis and design results deviates from the original design. It was also noticed that the torsional forces can be resist by providing torsional reinforcement.
