International Journal of COPD (May 2018)

The effects of home oxygen therapy on energy metabolism in patients with COPD

  • Kırıcı Berber N,
  • Yetkin Ö,
  • Kılıç T,
  • Berber İ,
  • Özgel M

Journal volume & issue
Vol. Volume 13
pp. 1577 – 1582


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Nurcan Kırıcı Berber,1 Özkan Yetkin,2 Talat Kılıç,2 İlhami Berber,3 Mehmet Özgel4 1Department of Chest Disease Clinic, Malatya Training and Research Hospital, 2Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Inonu University Faculty of Medicine, Turgut Ozal Medical Center, 3Department of Haemotology Clinic, 4Department of Thoracic Surgery Clinic, Malatya Training and Research Hospital, Malatya, Turkey Background: COPD is preventable and treatable and is characterized by completely nonreversible airflow obstruction. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of long-term oxygen therapy on patients with stage 4 COPD who were followed up and treated at the polyclinic or clinic service. We evaluated the effects of oxygen therapy on energy metabolism and physical activity in patients with COPD.Methods: Nineteen patients with COPD (16 male/3 female), treated with oxygen therapy for the first time, were included in this study. Analysis of arterial blood gases and pulmonary function test was performed. Metabolic Holter device (SenseWear® Armband) was placed pre- and post-oxygen therapy on the patients’ arm for at least 3 days. This device captures Holter data in a digitized electronic system, and the daily average value was calculated from the data.Results: Post-oxygen treatment showed a significant increase in energy expenditure by patients with COPD (pretreatment, 1,497±596 joule; posttreatment, 2,977±5,985 joule; P=0.044). Moreover, number of steps during walking (pretreatment, 2,056±256; posttreatment, 2,120±195; P=0.03), resting (pretreatment, 6.36±3.31 hours; posttreatment, 3.47±2.19 hours; P<0.03), and sleeping (pretreatment, 4.23±2.13 hours; posttreatment, 2.33±1.42 hours; P<0.00) showed significant differences. Increased daily energy expenditure in patients with respiratory failure was detected with long-term oxygen therapy. In addition, the immobility of patients decreased and duration of physical activity increased in patients with COPD.Conclusion: In this study, positive effects of long-term oxygen therapy have been demonstrated with respect to energy metabolism and physical activity of patients with COPD. Thus, we recommend that medication adherence and long-term oxygen therapy should begin early in patients with COPD. Keywords: sleep time, physical activity, COPD, metabolic holter, long-term oxygen, daily activity
