Annals of Dunarea de Jos University. Fascicle I : Economics and Applied Informatics (Dec 2018)
Designing an Application for the Public Transport Management
Smart mobile devices are being used increasingly, especially among young people who frequently use them, for ever more diverse purposes. The number of mobile apps has increased drastically in a relatively short period. Thus, mobile apps can turn a smart phone into an e-reader, payment instrument, planning resource, game console, and more. Therefore, we can say that smart mobile devices and, implicitly, their specific applications are increasingly part of of our daily lives. For this reason, the purpose of this paper is to present how to design an application for smart mobile devices that provide public transport information in a city. This application can be of real use to both those who live in that city and those who do not live in that city. In this context, the paper presents three UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams describing both the processing of the future information system and the conceptual structure from the perspective of data that this application will handle.