Nature Communications (Nov 2023)
Evidence for two dimensional anisotropic Luttinger liquids at millikelvin temperatures
Abstract Interacting electrons in one dimension (1D) are governed by the Luttinger liquid (LL) theory in which excitations are fractionalized. Can a LL-like state emerge in a 2D system as a stable zero-temperature phase? This question is crucial in the study of non-Fermi liquids. A recent experiment identified twisted bilayer tungsten ditelluride (tWTe2) as a 2D host of LL-like physics at a few kelvins. Here we report evidence for a 2D anisotropic LL state down to 50 mK, spontaneously formed in tWTe2 with a twist angle of ~ 3o. While the system is metallic-like and nearly isotropic above 2 K, a dramatically enhanced electronic anisotropy develops in the millikelvin regime. In the anisotropic phase, we observe characteristics of a 2D LL phase including a power-law across-wire conductance and a zero-bias dip in the along-wire differential resistance. Our results represent a step forward in the search for stable LL physics beyond 1D.