Journal of Dentistry Indonesia (Oct 2015)

Program Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi Pro Aktif dalam Mengantisipasi Globalisasi

  • Wahyu Sulistiadi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 3
pp. 37 – 43


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Dental Health Care Pro Active is the Government ultimate program to anticipate the world without walls in the era of globalization, especially to accomodate people's needs by improving dental services. This concept was inspired by the success of the hospital Promoting Health WHO Programs. They've high educated, well informed and have a great demand than a lower class people. However, our dental health care services have a bad performance. So that we must enhance the proficiency in all field of our. In the future, this proficiency should improve every aspect of the dental healthcare, by combining professional touch and high skills, making every parts of field in dental health care well, professional with a nice touch and high school.