Research in Psychotherapy (Mar 2010)
Dissociazione e alessitimia in un campione di pazienti con Disturbo del Comportamento Alimentare
The aim of this study has been to investigate the dissociative phenomena and the difficulties related to perceive, understand and describe the proper ones and other people's emotional states in a sample of 53 patients with Eating Disorders. The recruited sample is made by 14 Anorexia Nervosa (AN) patients, 15 with Bulimia Nervosa (BN), 12 with Eating Disorder Non Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) and 12 with Binge Eating Disorder (BED). To all subjects was administred the Eating Disorder Inventory-2, the Dissociative Experiences Scale and the Scala Alessitimica Romana. In according with literature, we confirme the relationships among Eating Disorders, the dissociative phenomena and Alexithymia.