The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Sep 2024)
Productivity, nutrient status and energy dynamics of rice (Oryza sativa) genotypes under different tillage systems in unirrigated ecosystem
The study was carried out during rainy (kharif) seasons of 2020 and 2021 at Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh to assess the impact of different tillage practices on the crop productivity, nutrient status, and energy dynamics of three distinct rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes. The experiment was conducted in a split-plot design (SPD), replicated three times. The study examined the impact of two major factors, viz. (A) Factor 1 (Main plot), Four tillage system: Reduced tillage; Traditional tillage; Natural farming: and Zero tillage; (B) Factor 2 (Sub plot): Three rice genotypes: HPR 2656; HPR 2795; and HPR 1156. Based on the findings of two years we found that the conventional tillage recorded notably higher grain yield (3420 kg/ha) and straw yield (6010 kg/ha) while significantly lower values of grain yield (2134 kg/ha) and straw yield (4053 kg/ ha) were found in natural farming treatment. Significantly higher nutrient contents (N, P, and K) and their uptake were observed in conventional tillage, followed by reduced tillage treatment. In contrast, significantly lower values of nutrient contents (N, P, and K) and their uptake were recorded in natural farming treatment. Among genotypes evaluated HPR 2795 recorded significantly higher values of grain yield (3050 kg/ha) and straw yield (5402 kg/ha) owing to significantly higher values of yield attributes recorded in this variety. The present study shows that the conventional tillage method led to a higher yield for rice crops. Among all the genotypes tested, HPR 2795 exhibited the best performance.