Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Акмеология образования: Психология развития (Mar 2024)

Trends in gender studies in the fi eld of physical education and sports

  • Shustova, Lyubov Р.,
  • Danilov, Sergey V.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 1
pp. 71 – 79


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The relevance of the research is determined by the necessity to analyze and summarize the results of gender studies devoted to physical education and sports. The objective of the research is to identify the trends in scientifi c studies in the fi eld of physical education and sports using the method of a literature review of papers based on the gender approach. The research hypothesizes that gender studies in the fi eld of physical education and sports are carried out in line with the main trends refl ecting the specifi cs in the development of these areas of scientifi c theory and practice. Methods. The research has been carried out with the help of such methods as theoretical study and analysis of publications in scientifi c journals on the issue of physical education and sports based on the gender approach, synthesis, and methods of logical generalizations. Results. The research has actualized the necessity to analyze scientifi c publications in the fi eld of physical education and sports, based on the gender approach, and the need to initiate the study integrating gender knowledge in the fi elds of pedagogy, physical education and sports. The research has also identifi ed the trends of gender studies in the fi eld of physical education and sports. The most signifi cant among them are the theoretical-methodological and scientifi c-methodological foundations of the gender approach in physical education and sports; gender equality in the fi eld of physical education and sports; sex, age and gender characteristics of the subjects of educational relations; sex and gender diff erences in particular kinds of sports. Conclusions. The listed trends attract attention of researchers to a great extent. At the same time, the direction associated with the study of gender aspects of value-semantic and motivational-volitional qualities of athletes and students requires further intensive scientifi c developments. The study determines gender characteristics of students’ motivation at the departments of physical education and sports as a perspective direction for further theoretical and empirical research.
