Education in the Knowledge Society (Dec 2011)

Launching a learning blog as TIC and TAC tool in the sphere of university

  • Mónica RUIZ FRANCO,

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 4
pp. 53 – 70


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The European Higher Education Area has made possible the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in University`s classes. However, nowadays it is being hotly debated whether ICT can be considered as a technology and educative tool that allows learning about knowledge. The creation of an educative blog in the subject of “ICT applied to Education”, from the degree in Pre-primary Education of the University of Burgos (2010/2011) is the focus of this research. The conclusion that can be drawn from this experience is that the use of the blog has not only made possible a co-constructivist learning of knowledge of ICT through ICT, but also has contributed to collaborative and cognitive work being a learning tool itself. Besides, within occult curriculum, it has sought to raise awareness on attention to diversity as its guideline and key topic.
