Akofena (Mar 2024)
Deconstructing Narratives: a Postcolonial Analysis of the Deconstruction of Maghrebi Stereotypes in Francophone Literature
Abstract: This research draft delves into the deconstruction of Maghrebi stereotypes within Francophone literature through a postcolonial lens. It seeks to understand the effect of these representations on Maghrebi identities and examines how modern Francophone literature attempts to contest and repossess these narratives. The study's questions examine the traditional portrayal of Maghrebis in Francophone literature, assess the role of a postcolonial approach in challenging these depictions, and explore the related social and cultural implications. Employing methodologies such as detailed literary analysis, case studies, and postcolonial theory, the research critically assesses the socio-historical backdrop, authors' artistic decisions, and the impact of postcolonial dynamics on subverting traditional narratives. The goals are to dismantle literary stereotypes concerning Maghrebis, investigate alternative narratives, and gauge the social and cultural effects of contemporary Maghrebi literature. Hypotheses propose that such literature can alter perceptions, transform literary standards, encourage social involvement, and influence media narratives, highlighting literature's capacity to reconstruct identities. Ultimately, the study aims to reveal how contemporary Maghrebi literature offers a complex perspective on Maghrebi identities, counters stereotypes, and shapes societal views. Keywords: Maghreb, Francophone literature, Stereotype deconstruction, Postcolonial approach, Identity narratives