Омский научный вестник (Oct 2019)
Electrical and photoelectric properties of photocell on base of Schottky barrier contact Au-n-GaAs
Structure and strategy of the fabrication of the photocell on the base of the Schottky barrier contact Au-n-GaAs are сonsidered. There are measured I(V)-features of photocells, their C-V-features, spectrums photovoltage and current of the short circuit, and determined height of the Schottky barrier contacts Au-n-n+- GaAs by photoelectric method. It is shown that air annealing of structures n-n+-GaAs-AuGe under (200–220) ºC within 30 minutes before precipitating a film Au on n-GaAs brings to the reduction on two- three orders direct I dir and inverse I inv currents (under 0,5 V) to reduction on three orders of density of the current of the saturation J0 , to reduction of capacities of photocells before values (204–191) pF under inverse tensions (0,22–0,96) V, reduction of the current of the short circuit of photocells and to increase their photovoltage that connected with formation fine oxide layer on n-GaAs under air annealing of structures n-n+-GaAs-AuGe.