Revista Portuguesa de Educação (Jan 2017)

Reformas do Estado e políticas públicas: trajetórias de democratização e privatização em educação. Brasil e Portugal, um diálogo entre pesquisas

  • Fátima Antunes,
  • Vera Peroni

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 30, no. 1
pp. 181 – 216


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On the basis of concrete empirical research trajecto ries, the article addresses how the State relates to the private sector regarding education , a nd what the implica tions to democratization and the right to education in Brazil and Portugal are. The ways and the m eaning s in which t he State takes on new roles a re analysed, keeping public funding in som e cases, whereas in o thers the funding is private; in some situations public power rema ins in control and in others private actors take the direction and control of th e policies. In this sense, the growing centrality of education in pu blic p olicies seems to correspond, among other phenomena, to an expansion of educational responses and of the population s concerned, acco m panied by the multiplication of the modalities of privatization and commodification of education. It is concluded that the market logic has actively par ticipated in th e direction and e xecution of education al policies, with serious consequen ces fo r the process of democratization.