Oftalʹmologiâ (Jul 2014)

On the specific and nonspecific immune responsiveness in patients with endogenous uveitis

  • X. M. Kamilov,
  • D. B. Fayzieva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 4
pp. 45 – 48


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Purpose: To improve the methods of diagnosis of endogenous uveitis in a comprehensive study immune-defense system.Methods: A total of 78 patients (136 eyes) with different etiology of endogenous uveitis (infectious and rheumatoid). The age of patients ranged from 15 to 56 years. At the time of the first survey in group 1 (52.4 %) were diagnosed with uveitis of infectious etiology and in group 2 (47.6 %), uveitis in rheumatic disease.Results: With elevated TNF-B in group 1 and 2.3 times in Group 2‑5.4‑fold (P <0,05), serum neopterin increased 6 times in patientswith infectious uveitis and 7.6 times — autoimmune uveitis. The concentration of C-reactive protein were significantly increased inboth groups compared to the control. If the analysis of the level of IgA and complement component C3 showed significant increase (P <0,05), then the dynamics of the content of IgM and IgG significant differences when compared with the control is not revealed, but there was a tendency to increase.Conclusion: Introduction into clinical practice of new laboratory methods (neopterin, C-reactive protein, CEC) have produced new evidence of the role of endogenous processes in uveitis. The study of specific and nonspecific markers of immunity creates real prerequisites for predicting outcomes of endogenous uveitis.
