Український стоматологічний альманах (Mar 2016)
Epidemiological studies of dentofacial anomalies carried out during the last 40 years witness high level of the dentofacial system pathology development. During these years pathology of dentofacial system keeps developing in Ukraine and abroad. Anomalies of DFS have negative effect on person’s appearance and therefore the way others approach that person. They have negative impact on the physiology, mental state and character, cause stunted growth and organism development in the early age, affect the children’s health in general, cause the inadequate mastication and ingestions process, are the factors that may stimulate caries, periodontal and tempomandibular joints diseases, worsen the speech, hold the children’s communication in the early age, which has negative impact on the organism adaptation in the future. It is evaluated that pre-natal gestation period is one of the most important factors responsible for development of human organism and adequate dentofacial system. Recently dentists have shown more interest in the studies of the impact of risk factors of the dentofacial system during the period of fetus’ antenatal development. The leading role in the formation of the children’s organism plays the hidden (antenatal) period. It consists of complex processes, starting with the mechanisms of impregnation, ovum implantation and ending with the development of the embryo and the fetus. Any harmful exoand endogenous effect can very often cause changes, fluctuations or even abnormalities of the development in the dentofacial area. The development of the dentofacial system is influenced by such factors as mother’s illnesses (endocrine, infectious, especially syphilis, toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, rubeola, hepatitis), toxicosis of the 1st and 2nd half of the pregnancy, industrial and food toxications, use of drastic medicine without prescription and supervision of the doctor; drug and alcohol abuse, smoking, hyponutrition of the pregnant woman, stress, impactation of the womb by tight clothes; disproportion of the metra and fetus, multiple fetation, pressure of the umbilical cord and amniotic adhesions. The aim of this research is to study the point of view of the leading specialists on the impact of endogenous exogenous factors on the formation of the dentofacial anomalies and to study the way and methods of prevention of anomalies on the basis of consolidation of the literature data retrieved as a result of content analysis. We can make a conclusion that today precise and dynamic observation of the impact of risk factors on the state of DFS of the children is a relevant task, as the question of anatenal prevention of dentofacial anomalies is the least studied part of the primordal prevention.