Iranian Journal of Public Health (Dec 2001)

"The Effect of Bacterial Infection on the Quality of Human’s Spermatozoa"

  • MB Khalili,
  • MK Sharifi-Yazdi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 30, no. 3-4


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Studies represent that bacterial infection of the semen can have a direct role in spermatozoid parameters change and may result in men's infertility. In the present study 160 semens were examines for bacterial infection. 55(34.4%) were infected by different species of bacteria, but those infected only by 4 species were undertaken for further study.These bacteria were Streptococci pyogen, Entrococci, E.coli and Staphylococci. The percentage mean results of morphology for the above bacteria were 25.75, 51.04, 47.86, and 41.50 respectively, while for the sterile samples were 52.84; higher for all but significant for Strep. Pyogen when tested with 95% confidence. The mean grades A, B, C and D from semen infected by the above bacteroi were 28.65, 23.59, 14.86 and 42 percent whereas for the sterile sampleswere 28.51, 30.56, 20.30 and 20.57, respectively. It may be concluded that the bacteria causing genitaltract infection can defect the morphology and the motility of men's spermatozoa.
