Sensors (Aug 2024)
Explainable Feature Engineering for Multi-Modal Tissue State Monitoring Based on Impedance Spectroscopy
One of the most promising approaches to food quality assessments is the use of impedance spectroscopy combined with machine learning. Thereby, feature selection is decisive for a high classification accuracy. Physically based features have particularly significant advantages because they are able to consider prior knowledge and to concentrate the data into pertinent understandable information, building a solid basis for classification. In this study, we aim to identify physically based measurable features for muscle type and freshness classifications of bovine meat based on impedance spectroscopy measurements. We carry out a combined study where features are ranked based on their F1-score, cumulative feature selection, and t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE). In terms of features, we analyze the characteristic points (CPs) of the impedance spectrum and the model parameters (MPs) obtained by fitting a physical model to the measurements. The results show that either MPs or CPs alone are sufficient for detecting muscle type. Combining capacitance (C) and extracellular resistance (Rex) or the modulus of the characteristic point Z1 and the phase at the characteristic frequency of the beta dispersion (Phi2) leads to accurate separation. In contrast, the detection of freshness is more challenging. It requires more distinct features. We achieved a 90% freshness separation using the MPs describing intracellular resistance (Rin) and capacitance (C). A 95.5% freshness separation was achieved by considering the phase at the end of the beta dispersion (Phi3) and Rin. Including additional features related to muscle type improves the separability of samples; ultimately, a 99.6% separation can be achieved by selecting the appropriate features.