مجله علوم روانشناختی (Oct 2019)
Validity and reliability of the premenstrual tension observer syndrome rating scales
Background: The premenstrual syndrome is one of the most common psychosomatic disorders requires an instrument that is sensitive to accurate diagnosis, severity and evaluation after treatment. the premenstrual tension syndrome (Steiner and et al, 2011) scale that is updated base on diagnostic and statistical manual criteria (DSM-IV) have these features. It is necessary to examine psychometric of properties in Iranian women. Aims: The main purpose of present study was to examine psychometric of the properties of the premenstrual tension syndrome including face and content validity and test- retest reliability. Method: It is a survey research with randomed and convenience sampling method. twenty students in face valididtyt stage, and ten clinical experts and psychiatrists in stage of measurement of content validity and 120 students in reliability stage were included in this study. Results: In face index all of the questions was more than 0.79 and in content validity ten question was more than 0/62. The sixth question of questionnaire was not agreed on content index (CVR). The results of the exploratory factor analysis showed that the structure of the questionnaire consists of only one factor. Cronbach's alpha was 0/90 which means the internal consistency of the test was high. In addition, the coefficient of test- re-test reliability was 0/46. Conclusion: Based on the results, this scale can be used by Iranian researchers.