Children (May 2022)
Treatment of an Avulsed and Ankylosed Incisor through Single Tooth Alveolar Osteotomy and Conventional Orthodontic Mechanisms
We present the treatment of an injured and avulsed incisor (which was afterwards ankylosed), by subapical osteotomy and conventional orthodontic mechanisms. A 9-year-old boy presented for orthodontic treatment with an injured and avulsed central incisor, which, after initial repositioning, ended up with ankylosis and severe root resorption. The case was treated by single tooth alveolar osteotomy and distraction osteogenesis through conventional orthodontics, advocating for the floating bone concept due to the short vertical distance by which the tooth alveolus part had to be relocated. Orthodontic treatment of the avulsed central incisor was completed after osteotomy and distraction osteogenesis, and the tooth was restored to its proper position, aiming to address issues of aesthetics and function for the time being. The patient was finally referred to a prosthodontist for future and final implant rehabilitation due to severe root resorption. Distraction osteogenesis after surgical procedures is a reliable solution for dealing with an ankylosed and submerged tooth.