Надежность и качество сложных систем (May 2024)
Background. Inertial switches are used in mobile objects for switching of electrical circuits of technical systems. Operation of similar devices happens generally at a set of integral of linear acceleration with which an object moves in space. For integration of linear acceleration magnetic-induction and hydraulic dampers are traditionally used. In some cases hydraulic dampers as the simplifying designs of inertial switches, are more preferable. In work results of development of a design of the inertial switch with hydraulic damping of an inertial body are presented, its mathematical model – the worked-out differential equations describing movements of mobile structural elements and also conditions of a start of motion is given. Materials and methods. By drawing up the differential equations the following assumptions were accepted: we consider liquid incompressible; changes of the sizes of details of the inertial switch due to temperature change of the environment from nominal are not considered; change of viscosity of the damping liquid from temperature change of the environment from normal is not considered. The main feature of the developed design of the inertial switch distinguishing it from inertial devices of similar appointment – use of the additional magnetic system providing the «falling» power system performance an inertial body – a working spring with the minimum power impact of a magnetic system on an inertial body on the initial site of its movement and sharply increasing power influence on the final site, sufficient for reliable switching of a contact system with the increased number of the contacts providing transmission of currents in the wide range of values with small voltage drops in contact transition. Switching of a contact system from an initial state happens at forward movement of a switching element of a contact system towards to an inertial body to overcoming effort of a working spring and forces of inertia operating on a switching element. The design of the developed inertial switch provides with specially entered blocking elements reliable preservation of an initial condition of a contact system in all service conditions of mobile objects in which it can be used. Results and conclusions. The presented results of works show a possibility of creation of the reliable and technological inertial switch intended for the technical systems of autonomous mobile objects.