Journal of Marine Medical Society (Jan 2016)
LBP - A Leading Cause of Workplace Absenteeism : Are We Doing Enough?
Low back pain (LBP) is a condition which affects most of the individuals at some point of time in their lives. The reportedprevalence of LBP in Indian population is highly variable, and ranges from 6.2% to 92%. The etiology of LBPcovers a vast number of factors including mechanical, psychogenic, degenerative, post traumatic and inflammatory causes. Meticulous history taking andphysical examination are of utmost importance while dealing with a case of LBR Various classes of medicines are available with promising results for control of LBR Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs, selective COX2 inhibitors, muscle relaxants, opioid analgesics, tricyclic antidepressants, gabapentin, pregabalin etc. Non pharmacological intervention like spinal manipulation and acupuncture are of controversial effectiveness. Yoga and physiotherapy have evidence supporting their role in improving the pain. Strong need is there to improvise the conventional method of managing LBR Approximately 95% cases of LBP are of non speciJic mechanical wherein diagnostic imaging tests (including X-rays, CT and MRT) are not routinely indicated for acute non-specifi LBR Investigations should be limited for the small minority (<2-5%) where the cause of back pain is suspected to be either inflammatory (ie. systemic autoimmune diseases viz. ankylosing spondylitis or spondyloarthritis) or sinister. Active rehabilitation should be encouraged and the patients should not be prescribed bed rest as a treatntenf Management of LBPrequires an umbrella approach which, apart from pharmacological intervention, screening for psychosocial prognostic indicators in LBP may ultimately guide treatment protocols in physical therapy for more comprehensive patient care along with patient empowerment in terms of health education, participation in decision muking and responsibility of taking good self-care.