Smart Agricultural Technology (Oct 2023)
Exploratory analysis on drivers and barriers to Canadian prairie agricultural technology innovation and adoption
Emerging technologies are transforming agriculture from a labour-intensive to a technology-intensive sector that meets current and future societal needs without compromising environmental integrity. Using primary data collected through a survey, this study sheds light on the development and commercialization of advanced agricultural technologies in the Canadian Prairies by investigating the objectives, drivers, barriers, co-operation and funding for innovation activities. Results show that Prairie agtech enterprises have undertaken various innovation activities ranging from internal R&D, creative work, software development, to personal training. Those activities are financed mainly with internal funds but also trigger some public subsidies. Not only are customers, educational institutions and suppliers key valued cooperation partners, but also the greatest sources of information when it comes to innovation. Research facilities, including research parks, incubators and accelerators are identified as concurrent drivers for innovation. This exploratory analysis illustrates the opportunities and potential challenges agtech enterprises face during the technology commercialization process.