EPJ Web of Conferences (Jan 2024)
Ultra-Low Energy Nuclear Fusion by Cs(2H,γ)La
We found that certain three-body excited states of 55133Cs13H2 in the Pd12 cuboctahedron molecule could interfere with the three-nucleon resonance states of Cs+t+t or 57139 La∗ which transfer from the 7/2+ state of CsH2 to 7/2+ state of La∗ by the E2 transition, and down to the La ground state, although the molecular ground state and the first excited state of 55133Cs13H2 are very stable. The three-body calculation is performed by using six potentials. We also found that the critical fusion value of t × ρ × T (t:duration time, ρ: plasma density, T : temperature or energy) for the ultra low energy molecular synthesis is almost the same as that for the thermal nuclear fusion, or higher. It is claimed that the radioactive nuclear waste products of the nuclear fission, could form via nuclear fusion a stable nucleus due to our ultra-low energy molecule-nucleus transition.