Jurnal Math Educator Nusantara: Wahana Publikasi Karya Tulis Ilmiah di Bidang Pendidikan Matematika (May 2022)

Three zone learning concepts to improve mathematical proof of probability theory

  • Sri Tirto Madawistama,
  • Yeni Heryani ,
  • Dian Kurniawan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 1


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This study aims to comprehensively analyze the improvement of students ' mathematical development ability through the concept of three zone learning, with the type of research is quantitative and quasi experiment design. Examples of research as many as two classes amounted to 82 pre service teacher. Data analysis by calculating gain normalization. Results: based on the Post Hoc test, the level of the category that has a positive score of 0.012 with the upper category and the middle category means that the average score of students from the upper category is better than the middle category, then also for the level that has a positive score of 0.028 with the upper category and the lower category which means that the average score of students from the upper category is better than the lower category. As for the positive value of 0.016 with the middle category and the lower category means the average of the middle category is better. From the results showed that for levels with upper, middle and lower categories, the effect is greater in improving students.
