Sociétés et Jeunesses en Difficulté (Oct 2006)

Préparation à la vie autonome et insertion socioprofessionnelle des jeunes pris en charge par l’État : quelles interventions ?

  • Martin Goyette


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Preparation to independent living and socio-professional inclusion of youth under State care : what ways ? Youth who have lived in residential or foster care for a long period of time are confronted with many obstacles when entering adult life, particularly regarding their professional and social integration. In order to redress this situation, different programs are put in place to help youth develop their autonomy or self sufficiency. Based on an exploratory research, this article suggests that the way the transition to adult life of youth having lived in a substitute environment has been conceptualized should be reconsidered in life skills and the independent living programs. It is therefore recommended to envision the youth as an interdependent subject of its community by having the intervention programs aiming at their social and professional integration focused on social relationships and social networks.
