Reviews on Advanced Materials Science (Jul 2020)
Effect of cross cold rolling and annealing on microstructure and texture in pure nickel
The microstructure and texture in pure nickel were investigated during multi-step cross cold rolling (CCR) and subsequent annealing. It was found that the deformation texture in the CCR nickel was dominated by Brass and rotated Brass about normal direction (ND) (BsND) texture components, along with marginal cube textures. The resulted deformation textures had a significant effect on the recrystallization behavior. Annealing of the CCR nickel at 550°C for 1 h led to the formation of dominant // ND fiber accompanied by minor rotated cube textures, rather than strong cube texture. Increasing the annealing temperature up to 800°C resulted in further enhancement of // ND fiber textures. The possible reasons for recrystallization behavior in annealed CCR sample were discussed based on in-situ annealing experiments from two aspects of oriented nucleation and oriented growth theories.