Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()
Social representation of elderly people on falls: structural analysis and in the light of Neuman
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the symbolic elements and the hierarchical system of representations of elderly people on falls, according to Abric’s structural analysis and Neuman’s theory. Method: Abric structural approach developed at the home of primary care users in a city of Minas Gerais. A free evocation technique of images triggered by images was performed in 2016 with elderly individuals (≥65 years old). Data treated by dictionary of equivalent terms; processed in Evoc 2000 software converging, analytically, according to Neuman. Ethical/legal criteria were met. Results: 195 people participated, 78.5% were women, and 45.1% were aged ≥75 years. Summarized 897 words; 155 different ones. Central nucleus containing cognates: dizziness-vertigo-labyrinthitis and slipper-shoes (behavioral and objective dimension). The word disease integrated the area of contrast. Environmental and personal stressors were identified according to Neuman. Final considerations: Objects and risk behaviors for falls integrated the representations, although environmental and personal stressors indicate the need for preventive interventions in the environment and in the intrapersonal dimension.