Архивъ внутренней медицины (Aug 2016)
Purpose: study of the peculiarities of progression of gastroduodenal ulcer with associated chronic duodenal insufficiency.Material and methods. Verification of ulcer disease was performed clinically and by fibrogastroduodenoscopic researches. In determination of chronic duodenal insufficiency there were used data of contrast duodenography and cavitary manometry. We have studied motor performance of the stomach and gastroduodenal ulcerwith a help of peripheralelectrogastrograph ЭГГ-4М. We also conducted cavitarypH measurement of stomach and gastroduodenal ulcer.Results of research. We have carry out complex examination of 80 patients with ulcer disease with associated chronic duodenal insufficiency (study group) and 30 patients without chronic duodenal insufficiency (group of comparison). It’s noted pains in epigastric area (91,5% and 84,6% respectively) in patients with gastric ulcer of the study and group of comparison but with associated chronic duodenal insufficiency they have mainly aching character, and without chronic duodenal insufficiency they are more intensive (77,8%). Untoward reaction test is positive in 23,8% of patients in group of comparison — 57,2%. According to the data of electrogastrography on an empty stomach in patients with gastroduodenal ulcer with associated chronic duodenal insufficiencyit’s noted bradygastritisand isolated progression of ulcer disease, hypokinesis, postprandial electric activity decreases. In group of comparison there was detected tachygstritis, these indices increases postprandialy. Untoward reaction test is positive in 34.7% of patients with gastroduodenal ulcer with associated chronic duodenal insufficiency and 63,6% in patients with gastroduodenal ulcer without associated chronic duodenal insufficiency. Postprandial electric activity in study group increases, in experimental group it decreases. There were noted peculiarities of changes pf pH-medium and duodenum with gastroduodenal ulcer with associated chronic duodenal insufficiency and isolated progression of ulcer disease.Conclusions. Carried out researches extend the knowledge about negative influence of chronic duodenal insufficiency on the progression of ulcer disease. It can be supposed that correction of motor activity of the stomach and duodenum as part of co mplex therapy can be promising tendency in treating of patients with ulcer disease with associated chronic duodenal insufficiency.