E3S Web of Conferences (Jan 2023)
Characteristics of Gas Seepage and Pore Structure Response in CO2-ECBM Process of Low Permeability Coal Seam
CO2-ECBM is a method of enhanced coalbed methane extraction followed by cutting greenhouse gas emissions and new energy development. In order to reveal the characteristics of gas flow in porous media and the pore structure response characteristics of coal rocks, the experiments were carried out to simulate the process of CO2 displacement of N2 at a buried depth of 900 m, including monitoring the changes in gas permeability and strain of coal samples along with a comparison of the pore structure of low-temperature liquid nitrogen adsorption on coal samples both before and after displacement were both done. The findings of the experiment are listed below. The N2 permeability of the LiuZhuang sample ranges from 0.0008mD to 0.0014mD, whereas the permeability of QiDong is around 0.0003mD. With an increase in gas injection duration and an expansion of the coal matrix for N2 adsorption, the permeability steadily decreases. The efficient stress compression of the coal pore fracture structure during sample preparation and testing avoids the visible fracture region, which results in poor permeability. The displacement stages of CO2 can be divided into three phases. Free nitrogen flows from the end of the position and the permeability diminishes during the phase of free nitrogen. When CO2 is introduced into the penetration stage, the permeability tends to rise, however when there is no penetration, the permeability test values are frequently low. During the CO2 steady displacement phase, gas permeability gradually declines. Axial and radial strains are progressively raised during the initial stage of the CO2 injection whereas they are gradually reduced during the initial stage of the N2 injection. While CO2 is continuously supplied through the coal body stage, there are modest axial and radial strain changes. The axial and radial stresses are stabilized by the CO2 displacement. The overall pore volume of the coal significantly rises following the displacement. The increase part of the pore volume is primarily focused on the pore of absorption and filling (aperture 50nm). The increased in pore volume ratio surface area is centered mostly in the fill pore region (aperture 10 nm) and is four times greater than it was before the displacement. The CO2 injection exerts an expansion impact on the adsorptionfilled and diffusion pores during the CO2-ECBM process, whereas the compression effect on the percolation pores results in a reduction in permeability.