Journal of Islamic International Medical College (Jul 2012)

Oral Cavity Tumours, A Clinical Experience in a Tertiary Care Center

  • Muhammad Ashfaq, Mirza Khizer Hameed, Zeeshan Ayub, Kamran Ashfaq

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 1
pp. 44 – 48


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Objective: To determine the age range, gender distribution, histological types, sites, neck node involvement, and surgery as modality of treatment in diagnosed cases of oral cavity tumours in a tertiary care centre. Study Design: Descriptive Study Place and Duration of Study: The study was carried out in ENT Department, CMH Rawalpindi for the duration from Dec 2008- Dec 2011. Materials and Methods: Data of 113 biopsy proven cases of oral cavity tumors who underwent surgery at CMH Rawalpindi, were retrieved from Armed Forces Institute of Pathology's Tumour Registry and from Head and Neck Oncology Forum Registry, and were evaluated. Results: Out of 113 patients with oral cavity tumours, 87 (77%) were male, while 26 (23%) were female, the male female ratio being 3:1. The mean age of the patients was 59.4 years, ranging from 40 to 75 years. Site distribution of the tumours was: Tongue: 61(54%), buccal mucosa 24 (21%), floor of mouth 18 (16%), and hard palate 10 (9%). The histology of tumours showed Squamous cell carcinoma in 102 (90%) and tumours of Salivary gland origin in 11(10%). Sixty four (56%) of these patients had N disease, 10 (9%) had N disease, 8 (7%) had N disease, 27 (25%) hadN disease, 3(2%) hadN disease, while 1 patient (1%) hadN disease. Resection of the tumour along with Supra-omohyoid neck dissection was carried out in 64 (56%) patients, while resection with radical neck dissection was done in 49 (44%) patients. Primary closure was carried out in 62 (55%) patients, while secondary reconstruction was done in 51 (45%) patients. Conclusion: Presentation of oral cavity tumours occur at an advanced age with male preponderance in our population. Early presentation results in lesser local spread, leading to less aggressive surgical approach with selective neck dissection.
